Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Cosmic Mind - By Rik Clay - Part 2 - London Olympics 2012 : Zion (The New Jerusalem)

London Olympics 2012 : Zion (The New Jerusalem)

When the logo for the London Olympics was unveiled in June 2007 at the cost of 7
£400,000 there was significant public uproar due to both the cost and how terrible it looked.
Despite public pressure, the International Olympic Committee stood fast on keeping the logo, 
with no flexibility. In other words, this particular logo was very important. Why?
There are many interpretations spread about the net, all intended to dissolve the true symbolic 
meaning behind the logo. It has been claimed to look like a swastika, a runner and even Lisa 
Simpson but these are all ridiculous diversions.
On first glance you can easily make out the numbers 2012, but why the random ‘dot’?
Here’s why
 Are we to believe that the London 2012 Olympics are going to facilitate the implementation 
of Zion – the ‘New Jerusalem’?
To recite William Blake’s poem ‘Jerusalem’:
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.
An 18th century writer, artist and esotericist, William Blake had connections with Freemasonry. 
Was this early work a declaration of the esoteric agenda, for all to see? After all he was 

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