In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish
Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was
a "damped," or baptized Jew, published his novel, CONINGSBY,
in which occurs this ominous passage:
And he went on to show that these personages
were all Jews!
The word "Protocol" signifies
a precis gummed on to the front of a document, a draft of a document, minutes
of proceedings. In this instance, "Protocol" means minutes of
the proceedings of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols
give the substance of addresses delivered to the innermost circle of the Rulers
of Zion. They reveal the converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation
developed through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to date.
Parts and summaries of the plan have been published from time to time during
the centuries as the secrets of the Elders have leaked out. The claim of the
Jews that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself an admission of their
genuineness, for they NEVER ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corresponding to the
THREATS which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence
between prophecy and fulfillment is too glaring to be set aside or obscured.
This the Jews well know and therefore evade.
"According to the records of secret Jewish
Zionism, Solomon and other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out
a scheme in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion. As
history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men
who were subsequently initiated in this question. These learned men decided by
peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic
Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans
of the Jewish administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish
people - the administration was always kept secret, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION
ITSELF. As this Snake penetrated into the hearts of the nations which it
encountered it undermined and devoured all the non-Jewish power of these
States. It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly
adhering to the designed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed
by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has
completed its round of Europe and has encircled it - and until, by dint of
enchaining Europe, it has encompassed the whole world. This it is to accomplish
by using every endeavor to subdue the other countries by an ECONOMICAL
CONQUEST. The return of the head of the Snake to Zion can only be accomplished
after the power of all the Sovereign of Europe has been laid low, that is to
say, when by means of economic crises and wholesale destruction effected
everywhere, there shall have been brought about a spiritual demoralization and
a moral corruption, chiefly with the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as
French, Italians, etc.. These are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into
the lives of the leading men at the heads of nations. A map of the course of
the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: - Its first stage in Europe was in 429
B.C. in Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started
eating into the power of that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time
of Augustus, about 69 B.C.. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V, in
A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The fifth
in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Napoleon). The sixth in
Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The seventh in St. Petersburg,
over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date of 1881. [This
"Snake" is now being drawn through the Americas and in the United
States of America, it has been partially identified as the "COUNCIL ON
FOREIGN RELATIONS" (C.F.R.) and the "Trilateral
Commission"]. All these States which the Snake traversed have had the
foundations of their constitutions shaken, Germany, with its apparent power,
forming no exception to the rule. In economic conditions, England and Germany
are spared, but only till the conquest of Russia is accomplished by the Snake,
on which at present [i.e., 1905] all its efforts are concentrated. The further
course of the Snake is not shown on this map, but arrows indicate its next
movement towards Moscow, Kieft and Odessa. It is now well known to us to what
extent the latter cities form the centres of the militant Jewish race.
Constantinople is shown as the last stage of the Snake's course before it
reaches Jerusalem. (This map was drawn years before the occurrence of the
"Young Turk" - i.e., Jewish - Revolution in Turkey).
17. By such measure
we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, all
that at the outset when we enter on our rights, we are compelled to introduce
into the constitutions of States to prepare for the transition to an
imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is
come to turn every form of government into OUR DESPOTISM.
18. The recognition
of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the
moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the
irregularities and incompetence - a matter which we shall arrange for - of
their rulers, will clamor: "Away with them and give us one king over
all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders -
frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts - who will give us peace and
quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives."
19. But you
yourselves perfectly well know that TO PRODUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF THE
20. But if we give
the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly
likely ever to arrive.
I guess you are
asking what’s the relation between the Zion protocols and a card game?
Illuminati is a
standalone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG), inspired by The
Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. The game has
ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through
sinister means, including legal, illegal, and even mystical.
It is amazing that
the game, released in 1995, shows many images of disasters,
happened after 1995!
Can it be just a coincidence?
1. Rewriting History
Any one alignment of
any destroyed group may be retroactively added, removed, or reversed. This can
affect any Goal which involves destroying a certain number of groups of some
Play this card at
any time. It requires an action by your Illuminati, or actions by MEDIA groups
with a total power of at least 8.
The “Rewriting of
History” began with an inside job of 9/11 attacks by the Neocons in the US
administration, then followed by what’s called the war on terror which resulted
in the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the Arab Spring.
As written in the
card the Media propaganda by Aljazeera, CNN, BBC, and others is the tool of
creating chaos and unsatisfaction in the targeted countries.
2. Population Reduction
Destruction of up to
three Huge Places counts as two groups each toward your Basic Goal (or as two
destroyed groups each for Cthulhu) but you may not count any other destroyed toward
that goal. (And remember, no matter what, you can only count three cards double
toward your Basic Goal)
However, if you can
destroy five Huge Places without recourse to World War III, you may claim
victory on that basis alone!
The population reduction plan started immediately
by Serbrenica genocide in July 1995 killing, during the Bosinan War, of more
than 8,000[1] Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), mainly men and boys, in and around
the town of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by units of the Army of
Republika Srpska (VRS) under the command of General Ratko Mladić. The mass
murder was described by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as the
worst crime on European soil since the Second World War.
- Swine Flu
Swine influenza
virus is common throughout pig populations worldwide. Transmission of the virus
from pigs to humans is not common and does not always lead to human flu, often
resulting only in the production of antibodies in the blood. If transmission
does cause human flu, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People with regular
exposure to pigs are at increased risk of swine flu infection.
for Disease Control: This card depicts a scientist creating viruses.
It represents the notion that the evil entities will be used in the future to
inflict diseases upon a people group or the world.
- Oil Spell
Epidemic: This card
depicts a pile of dead bodies, blackened from death, and some medical
paraphernalia such as gloves and a mask. The word Quarantine is written over
the picture. It represents plagues that the New World order will use to lessen
the population.
- Weather Control (HAARP)
The HAARP program is committed to developing a
world class ionospheric research facility consisting of:
- The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
- A sophisticated suite of scientific (or diagnostic) instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
3. September 11 Attacks
If used with an
action, it must be played when that action is first declared, and counts only
for that
action, if used for defence, the bonus lasts until the end of the
current tum, is good for defence only, and does not count toward Goals.
The Neocons in the
US administration and Zionists in British government immediately accused the
violent group (Alqaeda) and Osama Bin Laden devided the world either you’re
with or not!
DEFENSES Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century A Report of The
Project for the New American Century in September 2000 stated:
“At present the
United States faces no global rival. America’s grand strategy should aim to
preserve and extend this advantageous position as far into the future as
In chapter called
“To preserve
American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense
must move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational
concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs”
“The United States
must retain sufficient forces able to rapidly deploy and win multiple
simultaneous large-scale wars and also to be able to respond to unanticipated
contingencies in regions where it does not maintain forward-based forces”
FORCES to respond to 21st century strategic realities by shifting permanently-based
forces to Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, and by changing naval deployment
patterns to reflect growing U.S. strategic concerns in East Asia”
“Army’s annual
budget must increase to the $90 to $95 billion level to finance current
missions and the Army’s long term transformation”
“The process of
transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long
one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of
transformation as much as the requirements of current missions”
In 1962 an operation
called Northwood declassified a few years ago to regain control of Cuba after
Fidel Castro revolution proposed:
4. Killing for peace
George W. Bush The
Night of 9-11-01
But why the attacks
were done at 9/11 ?
Some mathematical facts:
11: 9/11
The World Trade Centre stood like an '11'
9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4 = 11
September 11th was 111 days until the end of the year
The 1st plane to hit the World Trade Centre was 'Flight 11'
Total crew on Flight 11 was '11'
New York is the 11th state of the US Constitution
September 11th 2001 stands '11' years from 2012 (Note that in the Mayan calendar, it was said that there would be 20 years of 'no-time'. A period of unrest where the planet is making a transition from one age to another. 9/11 stood 9 years from the start of this 'no-time' and 11 years from the end.)
The World Trade Centre was built between 1966 to 1977... taking 11 years
9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4 = 11
September 11th was 111 days until the end of the year
The 1st plane to hit the World Trade Centre was 'Flight 11'
Total crew on Flight 11 was '11'
New York is the 11th state of the US Constitution
September 11th 2001 stands '11' years from 2012 (Note that in the Mayan calendar, it was said that there would be 20 years of 'no-time'. A period of unrest where the planet is making a transition from one age to another. 9/11 stood 9 years from the start of this 'no-time' and 11 years from the end.)
The World Trade Centre was built between 1966 to 1977... taking 11 years
Osama Bin Laden's
Death Date:
Osama Bin Laden was
supposedly killed by American forces on the 2nd of May 2011 or the 02/05/2011
or if your American 05/02/2011. Now lets break the date down:-
2 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 =
5. London Olympics
(Zion 2012) and the False Flag!
In the Munich Olympics
of 1972 (26 August – 11 September) which hosted 121 (11*11) countries, a
Palestinian group called Black September kidnapped members of the Israeli
Olympic athletes and killed 11 of them!
It was the first act
declared as global terrorism and Arabs (Muslims) were accused of it.
Rik Clay the truth
seeker who was the first to OUT the 2012 London Olympic
Games as being a Ritual Event to mark the NEW ZION.
When the logo for
the London Olympics was unveiled in June 2007 at the cost of £400,000 there was
significant public uproar due to both the cost and how terrible it looked.
Despite public
pressure, the International Olympic Committee stood fast on keeping the logo,
with no flexibility. In other words, this particular logo was very important.
The brand was
designed by Wolff Olins, a brand consultancy based in London and New York. They
have been responsible for the brand design work behind GE Capital, Sony
Ericsson, Unilever and (RED).
Is it a coincidence
that the Olympics logo can resemble the word ‘Zion’?
Wally Olins is
generally recognised to be the world’s most experienced practitioner of
Corporate identity and branding.
Given this, I felt a
few Googles were required to see what else could be found on Wally Olins.
In an interview Talks
about father persuading him to become a Freemason and its triggering a
recognition of insider/outsider issues and their relationship to his drives and
It just so turns out
that Wally’s father was a Freemason and, more than likely, he’s one too. And
you wonder why it is, that many of the corporate logos you see plastered around
our cities, contain the ‘All Seeing Eye’ and hidden occult symbolism – well
here is your answer. Everything is connected so to speak.
The designers behind
some of Europe’s major corporate brands have been and still are, educated in
esoteric and occult philosophies. Wally Olins may have left the Wolff Olins
brand consultancy in 2001, ruling him out as the designer of the 2012 logo, but
ask yourself this – would he leave the company which bears his name in such
un-educated hands? Or is it more than likely that he found the perfect
replacements to continue his legacy?
So to summarise, the
man behind the company responsible for the Olympics 2012 logo was involved in
Do you believe that
the logo for the 2012 Olympics Games is still so innocent?
The 5 men are
wearing the same colours of the Olympics symbol: Red, Blue Yellow, Green and
The symbolic colours
of the Olympic rings in a picture where the Big Ben is Blown up!
On 27th
July 2012 will be the Opening Ceremony. The following are images from
Independence Day (1996) a movie about aliens launching a global attack
Images from V for
Vendetta (2005). A movie about a man who destroys the Houses of Parliament
The false flag:
Security Minister
Lord West warned there was a real danger that Al Qaeda terrorists could use a
boat to transport a 'dirty' nuclear bomb up the Thames and detonate it in the
heart of London. A top thriller writer TOM CAIN, whose most recent novel is
about a terrifying Al Qaeda attack on London, imagines the unthinkable!
The New World Order (NWO)
“All we need is the
right mahor crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order!”
David Rockefeller
4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are
their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?
5. There is another reason also why they will
close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties
we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed
all parties ....
6. It is not worth to say anything about how
long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....
7. For what purpose then have we invented this
whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them
any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order
to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by
the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization
8. God has granted to us, His Chosen People,
the gift of the dispersion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our
weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the
threshold of sovereignty over all the world.
9. There now remains not much more for us to
build up upon the foundation we have laid.
To be continued …
i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email:
ReplyDeleteCONTACT Mr Richard mark call (+2349159559277 or WhatsApp him through this number +2349159559277 or email: Hello everyone Am from Liberia I am here to give a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid
ReplyDeleteto contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Richard mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look
at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $5000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I
decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his
own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Richard mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of
being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Richard mark call ( +2349159559277 or WhatsApp him +2349159559277 or email:
(NO MEMBERSHIP FEE TO JOIN ILLUMINATI), I am giving a testimony on how i became rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i searched for help from different corners but to no avail… I see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it through out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me.” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found a number of an agent Jackson +1(409)2993890 and we decided to contact them and fortunately we did as them instruct us to do and later, them told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great Illuminati gave us $7,000,000.00 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great Illuminati all you need to do is for you to contact, on emial or on whatsapp number +1(409)2993890.