Since I watched the planes clash the towers of World Trade Center, I don't know why I felt there is something wrong going on. After a while G.W. Bush invaded Afghanistan to destroy Alqaeda and kill Osama Bin Laden to end terrorism and save the remaining pride of America after 9/11. Iraq was next in 2003 to save the world from Sadam Hussain's weapons of mass destruction that couldn't save him from the invasion!
What I want to say there are hidden facts from us; the regular people busy with life, family, finding new job, raising kids and for others making money and business.
To shortcut what I want to say I collected to you some videos showing the "MYTH OF 9/11" and how we "the regular people were fooled"
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
Inside 9/11 - Hijacking the air defense
Pentagon Opens Doors to 9/11 Attack
9/11: Sound Evidence for WTC 7 Explosions and NIST Cover Up
The Real Meaning of the Original World Trade Center Attack
Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
Outfoxed: Bill O'Reilly attacks 9/11 victim's son
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